Over the last year
(2018-19), I've been collaborating with artist/illustrator
Dominika Wróblewska on a series of soundworks recorded entirely
underground in various caves and mines in the Peak District, and
only utilising the natural objects and materials found within them -
rocks, mud, lots of water - and of course, the human voice. This
perhaps is the defining underground sound for the cave explorer, as
it allows a degree of comparison to be made with the overground
world - and the differences can be profound, with an infinite
variety of acoustic spaces.
So far the project (under the artist name of
double-W) has produced six tracks, which have been compiled
into a mini-album The Lure of the Hole,
which is available to stream and buy on the
Bandcamp website - more tracks are planned as time allows.
I've also written a short
essay on some ideas on cave sounds stimulated by the project. |
Wróblewska recording drips in The Wallows, Peak Cavern, Castleton.